Hi Reader,
Happy Tuesday! This week's video explains how you can cultivate intrinsic motivation in those you lead. I hope you find it helpful.
This week's recommendations stick with the theme of inspiring people to do their best work and to follow your lead. It's the little things that make a difference.
How Great Leaders Use the 3 Laws of Influence to Be Remarkably Persuasive, Backed by Considerable Science by Jeff Haden. Persuasion and influence are different than manipulation and pressure. This evidence-based article shows you how you can build that capacity.
New Research Reveals 5 Secrets That Will Make You Persuasive by Eric Barker. This one's a deeper dive. It offers five different ways you can be more persuasive. If you're short on time, scroll to the bottom for the summary.
Episode 237 of The Non-Anxious Leader Podcast, A Family Systems Take on Procrastination, is now available.
That's it for this week. Thanks for reading.
P.S. If you are new to Two for Tuesday, you can read previous editions HERE.
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I show faith-based leaders how to be a non-anxious presence, personally and professionally.
Hi Reader,Starting this week, each Two for Tuesday Newsletter will include a section where you can support my work for $5 a month or more (see below). Over time, this will enable me to hire more help, as well as spend more time creating content. This newsletter will continue to be free, so any help you can provide is appreciated. Three Principles that Guide My Work Photo: Arvebettum Read on the Blog I wrote my first blog post in 2016. My first podcast episode dropped in 2019. I’ll admit I had...
Hi Reader,Making an impact takes time. The average overnight success takes 10 years. This week's newsletter shares ideas that have helped me. It's never too late to start. As Confucious said, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The next best time is today." Three Time Management Principles that Changed My Life Photo: orebrik Read on the Blog Life-changing is a pretty strong term. But it’s true. I am not a list person. I don’t get any special satisfaction from checking off items on...
Hi Reader, The Importance of Family Position Photo: Depositphotos Read on the Blog Have you ever wondered why you always seem to play the same role in your family, no matter how much you try to change? In the last post I mentioned that your position in your family of origin is important. I don’t mean sibling position, although both Murray Bowen and Edwin Friedman considered this to be an important factor in functioning. However, some think that sibling position as a determinant of functioning...